Sri Swami Satchidananda: Inspirational words of wisdom


Expansion of Consciousness “The law of nature is such that everything, even a small atom, wants to express itself. Everything has consciousness. Below the human species, everything is being taken care of by Nature, and the unfoldment of consciousness happens automatically. Only at the human level is freedom given. You are allowed to work by yourself to unfold your consciousness, to expand your mind by reasoning, to uncover what is preventing the mind from expanding. Human beings experience a sort of personal, conscious gradual effort in expanding the mind. That is what Yoga teaches and that is what you see in every religion. Gradually, the ordinary person unfolds his or her divinity, but there is both a conscious and a gradual effort. “God bless you. Om Shanthi, Shanthi, Shanthi.”

Courtesy of Integral Yoga Magazine.

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